Saturday, May 15, 2010

why pakistan lost T20 semi final

pakistan played game as usual they play;if we look into history of pakistan ;we will find that pakistan when made goog start wining games ;in final pakistan must loose;if played vise versa means began losing games must win final;if we remember wining T20-2009;pakistan lost its earlier games;latter they took momentum ;as per my opinion;t20-2010;why pakistan lost;i see reasion only overconfidence;due to overconfidence pakistan lost semi final;pakistan made good runs 190;ballars of australlia remained failed ;as pakistan ballars had to do only one job;to tight australlian batsmen;and to give them low runs but i see ballars of pakistan were unable to follow such strategy;hence its reasion when 20th over was runing ballar ajmal saeed couldnot control himself;and on each ball he gave huge runs to battsmen-----------this is the real reasion that pakistan lost wining game----mumtaz

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