in coming month of july 2009;there are two esclips;it happens rare;and have different meanings;as per weatherologist ;any seasional change will occour on earth;as per astrologists the affects will be seen on individual persions as well as on countries;belonging to zodiac;those are badly affected during esclips;the ist esclip oy july month occour on 7th july ;it is lunar esclip;as per western astrology;it will occour in zodiac capricorn;while as per hindu vedic astrology it will occour in sagittarius;at that esclip time moon from capricorn or sagittarius will be in opposition in 7th aspects with sun;which will be in gemni or cancer;the both places occupied by sun or moon will be badly affected;in other technical word it can say that those zodiac will be badly affected where both sun and moon will be during esclip;next solar esclip will be on 22 july;as per western astrology it will occour in leo zodiac;while as per hindu vedic astrology it will occour in cancer;well wait the esclips and see what changes they bring out on human beings in general;as well as on countries;--mumtaz-26-06-2009